Friday, December 23, 2011

Head count, I think, six days before:

I think there are 80 people coming:

29 moms (which is a count of how many families are represented by at least one person)
15 dads
1 grandmother
10 younger children (three are babies)
19 children of compulsory-attendance age
3 young adults who were unschooled
3 young adults who went to school (one older brother of an unschooler, two are the boyfriend of Holly and girlfriend of Marty and will be there some of the time, I hope)

I don't expect that ages will be as important as interests or abilities; we're not strictly segregating anything by age, but the ages of those under the age of 20 (while I'm counting anyway):

If no number follows the age, there's only one person of that age registered.
13 (4)
12 (2)
10 (4)
7 (3)
4 (3)
2 (2)
younger than a year: (3)

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